High levels of lukos isteg in urine
High levels of lukos isteg in urine

high levels of lukos isteg in urine

This is why the presence of nitrites in your urine is an indicator that you may have a UTI. Some types of bacteria have an enzyme that converts nitrates into nitrites. Harmful bacteria find their way into the urinary tract and reproduce rapidly. This is usually called a urinary tract infection (UTI).Ī UTI can happen anywhere in your urinary tract, including your bladder, ureters, kidneys, and urethra. Buy Historical Weather DataĪpart from averages, the data is also available in hourly interval.The presence of nitrites in urine most commonly means there’s a bacterial infection in your urinary tract. In December, Lukos gets 496.54mm of rain and approximately 19 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around 28°c and at night it feels like 22°c. For the most part the humidity is around 82%. In the month of November on average Lukos gets 518.85mm of rain and approximately 21 rainy days in the month. Lukos weather in Novemberĭaytime temperature stays around 28°c and at night it goes to 22°c. In October, Lukos gets 427.79mm of rain and approximately 18 rainy days in the month. For the most part the humidity is around 80%. In the month of September on average Lukos gets 458.26mm of rain and approximately 17 rainy days in the month. Lukos weather in Septemberĭaytime temperature stays around 28°c and at night it goes to 23°c. In August, Lukos gets 461.38mm of rain and approximately 19 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around 29°c and at night it feels like 24°c. In the month of July on average Lukos gets 469.45mm of rain and approximately 18 rainy days in the month. Lukos weather in Julyĭaytime temperature stays around 29°c and at night it goes to 24°c. In June, Lukos gets 566.54mm of rain and approximately 18 rainy days in the month. In the month of May on average Lukos gets 652.77mm of rain and approximately 24 rainy days in the month. Lukos weather in Mayĭaytime temperature stays around 29°c and at night it goes to 24°c.

high levels of lukos isteg in urine

In April, Lukos gets 465.45mm of rain and approximately 19 rainy days in the month. In the month of March on average Lukos gets 350.05mm of rain and approximately 17 rainy days in the month.

high levels of lukos isteg in urine

Lukos weather in Marchĭaytime temperature stays around 28°c and at night it goes to 22°c.

high levels of lukos isteg in urine

In February, Lukos gets 287.38mm of rain and approximately 13 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around 28°c and at night it feels like 21°c. For the most part the humidity is around 83%. In the month of January on average Lukos gets 503.03mm of rain and approximately 19 rainy days in the month. Lukos weather in Januaryĭaytime temperature stays around 28°c and at night it goes to 22°c. If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Lukos section. Travelling to Lukos? Check out our Weather averages of Lukos to better plan your holiday or travel. May and June receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 652.77mm. Which months receive most rainfall in Lukos? Coldest months of Lukos?įebruary and January are the coldest months with temperature at around 21°c. In these month temperature is at around 28°c and average of 327.0714 hours of sunshine in a month. January and February are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Lukos. The windiest of all days will be Wednesday 14 th September as wind will reach 7mph or 12kmph at around 2 pm. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in Lukos, Malaysia. The national weather service for Lukos, Malaysia is reporting Friday 9 th September to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 9.70mm or 0.4 inches of rainfall. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 22℃ or 71℉ on Wednesday 14 th September at around 5 am. Looking at the weather in Lukos, Malaysia over the week, the maximum temperature will be 31℃ (or 88℉) on Sunday 11 th September at around 11 am. What is the weather in Lukos, Malaysia for today, tomorrow and beyond?

High levels of lukos isteg in urine